A to Z Blogging
Z is for Zotz
Monday morning I set out on a quick road trip to Bemidji, Minnesota to deliver my daughter, Rose, and her friend, Chloe, to one of Concordia College’s language camps, Sup sogŭi Hosu. Sup sogŭi Hosu is the Korean Language Village that Rose attended for two weeks last summer. She had an absolute blast so is going…
Read MoreX is for X-Ray
Yeah, I know that writing about X-Rays for day “X” of an A to Z Blogging challenge is predictable because “x-ray” is the first thing people think of when they think of a word starting with X. Thing is, I really do have a reason to write about x-rays because I had two of them taken today.…
Read MoreV is for Vaya
Two summers ago, I purchased a Salsa Vaya so that I could expand my bicycling to include gravel riding and some touring. From what I understand, “Vaya” means “to go” in Spanish – so I decided to name my Vaya something that reflected the “to go” nature of the name. I couldn’t come up with…
Read MoreU is for Uncoveries
Last year I had the fun of riding the Twin Cities Bike MS ride with some people from 30 Days of Biking. One of the people I had the privilege of riding with that day was a young woman named Amy. We talked much of the 25 mile route and she shared with me that she planned…
Read MoreT is for Time
Time. I never seem to have enough of it and I tend to way underestimate how much time it will take for me to do tasks. Today, for instance, it took me about 40 minutes longer than I planned to fill out my form for my flight physical. I ended up rushing to get out…
Read MoreQ is for Quilting
I’ve been making quilts since about 1997 when I decided I needed to make something for a blank wall in my home. That first quilt was a small wallhanging made from a pattern I found in a magazine. I hand quilted the quilt but not having any concept of proper hand quilting technique, I “stab…
Read MoreP is for Poznań, Poland
As I type this post, my older brother, Don, is on a plane headed for Poznań, Poland. I know about the country of Poland, of course, but hadn’t heard of Poznań before my brother told me he planned to spend a month near there. Have you heard of Poznań? Well, Poznań (according to Wikipedia) is the…
Read MoreO is for Owatonna
Three years ago I had the fun of writing a story about Owatonna, a lovely town of about 25,000 located 35 miles south of my home. My story, Explore the Heart of Owatonna, was published in the Star Tribune’s travel section three years ago today – June 30, 2012. So, since today’s blogging challenge letter is…
Read MoreN is for North
North is a direction on the compass, of course, but here in Minnesota it means something else, too. North means Up North, as in “we’re going up North this weekend.” Oftentimes “going up north” means the same thing as going to “the lake.” Funny thing is, “north” and “the lake” don’t mean any particular area, it…
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