On Riding, Writing and Sitting Still
Note: This post was also published on my Idyllwild blog. I’m on a writing retreat at the Anderson Center in Red Wing and took a break from my writing yesterday and this morning to get out and ride the Cannon Valley Trail. The CVT parallels the Anderson Center’s property and to get to the trail I only need…
Read MoreV is for Vaya
Two summers ago, I purchased a Salsa Vaya so that I could expand my bicycling to include gravel riding and some touring. From what I understand, “Vaya” means “to go” in Spanish – so I decided to name my Vaya something that reflected the “to go” nature of the name. I couldn’t come up with…
Read MoreU is for Uncoveries
Last year I had the fun of riding the Twin Cities Bike MS ride with some people from 30 Days of Biking. One of the people I had the privilege of riding with that day was a young woman named Amy. We talked much of the 25 mile route and she shared with me that she planned…
Read MoreR is for Riotgrrravel Reflections
Two weeks ago, on June 20th, I rode Riotgrrravel, a gravel race/ride for women and am happy to say that I completed the 30 mile ride. Riotgrrravel is very well organized ride meant to introduce women to gravel racing. The ride is organized and put on by an awesome woman named Ellie and her family. Ellie started the…
Read MoreL is for LIFE.REVAMP.
Last week I finished a 6 week class called LIFE.REVAMP. The class was made up of a small group of people and led by an incredible woman named Amy Machacek. Twice a week we got together for an hour long session that started with a workout then followed that with a discussion on nutrition with a bit of life coaching added in. I first…
Read MoreB is for Biking!
I’m a fairly avid bicyclist – at this point in my life I own three bikes and ride throughout the year, even in our snowy Minnesota winters. I haven’t always been a biker, though. I rode bike as a kid and even biked from Minnesota to Michigan with my church youth group as a teen, but I pretty…
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