Remembering Dad on his Birthday – Toad in the Hole
It’s November 6th and my dad would have been 82 years old today. In memory of my dad, Douglas Gatheridge, (people called him Doug), I am sharing an essay I wrote about him titled Toad in the Hole. The essay highlights a happy memory from my childhood of me and Dad in the kitchen. Of…
Read MoreA Literary Adventure
A few months ago, one of my writing friends, Heidi Fettig Parton, invited me to join her for a week-long writing seminar in Dingle, Ireland offered through Bay Path University’s Creative Nonfiction Writing MFA program. I love to travel and am always on the lookout for opportunities to write so I didn’t have to think…
Read MoreWriting and Reading – Goals for 2022
Oh my! We’re well into 2022 but I haven’t posted about my Writing and Reading Goals for 2022. I set writing goals back at a writing retreat in February (led by my wonderful friend, writing mentor and coach, Kate Hopper) and I got to work on them. But I didn’t formally announce what they are…
Read MoreSubmitting my Essays – Update!
Back in June, I wrote about setting a goal to submit my essays for publication. I started with a goal of 21 submissions but then raised it to 50. Though publication was part of the goal, my main goal was to make a practice of writing, editing, and submitting. Guess what? I met my goal!…
Read MoreEssays Accepted for Publication – at last!
In January, I started sending out essays to publications in hopes of getting them published. In early June, in my blog post Submitting My Essays – Keeping the Butterflies in Check, I wrote about the submission goal I set and how I submitted and submitted but still hadn’t had any acceptances. I was terribly discouraged…
Read MoreSubmitting My Essays – Keeping the Butterflies in Check
At the beginning of 2021, I set a goal to submit my essays to publications in hopes of having them published. I’ve had essays published before and have had dozens of articles published as well so it’s not like I’m new to submitting or to being published but I haven’t been writing much for several…
Read MorePotential
After 20 years living in the same house, my husband and I have downsized and moved into a new home. We’ve been here just over a month now and are still getting settled in. Here is a glimpse of my current view in my new office. Bookshelves up but still empty. Computer screen weirdly blank…
Read MoreOrganizing My Writing – Part 2
Back in March, I wrote a blog post titled “It’s That Organizing my Writing Project” in which I wrote about going through my writing in the effort to see just what I have and what I should do with it. This project came out of a meeting with my writing coach, Kate Hopper, that we…
Read MoreWriting Fears
I’m doing a bit of an experiment and am back to writing blog posts – my goal is to not think about them much but to simply write and get something out there. I’ve been meaning to blog for months – then COVID and George Floyd and I felt I had to address those issues…
Read MoreJournals
In getting ready for our move to a smaller house, last night I packed away my old journals into plastic bins. I didn’t pause to look at the journals much while I was packing them away because that would have resulted in not getting the task done, but at quick glance I noticed a few…
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