
Looking up at the inside of a hot air balloon

U is for Uncoveries

By Myrna CG Mibus / July 9, 2015

Last year I had the fun of riding the Twin Cities Bike MS ride with some people from 30 Days of Biking. One of the people I had the privilege of riding with that day was a young woman named Amy. We talked much of the 25 mile route and she shared with me that she planned…

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Many brown and white clocks

T is for Time

By Myrna CG Mibus / July 8, 2015

Time. I never seem to have enough of it and I tend to way underestimate how much time it will take for me to do tasks. Today, for instance, it took me about 40 minutes longer than I planned to fill out my form for my flight physical. I ended up rushing to get out…

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View of my office

Writing Space Reboot 2

By Myrna CG Mibus / October 23, 2014

Writing Space Reboot 2 was originally published on my Idyllwild blog on September 25, 2014 Well, it only took a couple of days before I did another writing space reboot in my office but I think I now have an arrangement that works. Why move the furniture around just days after my Writing Space Reboot? Well, even though…

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My office

Writing Space Reboot

By Myrna CG Mibus / October 21, 2014

Writing Space Reboot was originally published on on September 16, 2014 at my Idyllwild blog which can be found at Last November, I traded my large office for my son’s small bedroom so that Ryan could have space for a full-size bed. I had great hopes for my new office – but even though I did my…

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Myrna blog

Myrna CG Mibus


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