Writing Fears

I’m doing a bit of an experiment and am back to writing blog posts – my goal is to not think about them much but to simply write and get something out there. I’ve been meaning to blog for months – then COVID and George Floyd and I felt I had to address those issues in my blog before I could post again. I felt insensitive not saying anything, I felt like *good* people would write something but I felt completely stuck and at a loss for words. The result is that I didn’t blog at all.
Moving forward, I’m sure I’ll write something about COVID and anti-racism but, to be honest, I still don’t know what on earth to say about either weighty topic. I’m afraid that whatever I write will be inadequate and that people will judge me for not saying enough or for saying what I say wrong. That sentence pretty much sums up my writing fears – I’m afraid of not saying enough. Of saying things wrong. Of being judged. Hmmm, those fears represent what I fell in life in general, too. At least I’m consistent!
Well, yesterday I decided it’s time to blog anyway. To put out imperfect work for people to see. It’s not the same as getting an essay published – but I’m going to be okay with that. For now, I will write some blog posts that probably no one other than my writing group friends will see. I’m doing it anyway. I’m writing. I’m getting my words out of my journal and into the air. And that is enough.