Books Read in 2022
It’s time to share with you the books I read in 2022! I read 29 books last year, that’s down a bit from 2021 but, well, who cares? I read books and enjoyed the books I read. So what if I didn’t make my 35 books for the year goal? Well, I suppose I care…
Read MoreBook Review: Lessons in Chemistry
Lessons in Chemistry is of my favorite books of 2022. It’s laugh-out-loud funny, infuriating, smart, surprising, heartbreaking and hopeful. I hope you like it as much as I do!
Read MoreBook Review: How to Love the World
HOW TO LOVE THE WORLD: POEMS OF GRATITUDE AND HOPE is a delightful collection of poems that is perfect for when I need a pick-me-up.
Read MoreWriting and Reading – Goals for 2022
Oh my! We’re well into 2022 but I haven’t posted about my Writing and Reading Goals for 2022. I set writing goals back at a writing retreat in February (led by my wonderful friend, writing mentor and coach, Kate Hopper) and I got to work on them. But I didn’t formally announce what they are…
Read MoreBooks Read in 2021
I read a total of 40 books in 2021, up 10 from last year with more memoir and romances than in years past. The upswing in my romance reading is largely due to the fatigue of living in a pandemic resulting in a desire to read books with happy endings. That and the fact that…
Read MoreBooks Read in 2020
I can’t believe we’re already over halfway through 2020 and I haven’t posted my listing of the books I read in the past year. I guess time got away with me, as it has for most people in this last year of COVID life, but it’s not too late to post my list so here…
Read MoreWorld of Wonders
Several months ago, I received an advanced copy of World of Wonders: In Praise of Fireflies, Whale Sharks, and Other Astonishments, a book written by Aimee Nezhukumatathil and published by Milkweed Editions. The book is one of those that is hard categorize because it covers so many topics and fits into several genres. I could…
Read MoreBooks Read in 2019
I’ve already read nine books in 2020 (thanks to Coronavirus social distancing measures and a lot of doctor-ordered time spent soaking in the tub to recover from a couple of surgeries – but that’s another story) but before I tell you about those books I want to go back and share with you the books…
Read MoreBooks Read in 2018
At the beginning of 2018 I created a visual “bookshelf” in my bullet journal to record the books I read and make some notes about them. Looking back at my year, assuming I actually recorded every book I read, I read 28 books (not counting children’s picture books and the like which I didn’t record).…
Read MoreMemoir Pick – Educated
One of the hottest memoirs of the year at Content Bookstore (and, I suspect, at bookstores all over the country) is Educated by Tara Westover. I read this book before it was published (I got an advance reader copy/ARC) and knew right away based on the amazing story and the quality of the writing that…
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