
Life From Scratch book and cake ingredients

Chocolate Cake – Life from Scratch

By Myrna CG Mibus / September 21, 2016

A few months ago, I finished reading Life from Scratch: a memoir of food, family, and forgiveness by Sasha Martin, blogger at Global Table Adventure. I thoroughly enjoyed the book so I wrote a mini-review to recommend Life from Scratch to our customers at Content Bookstore. Among other things, I wrote that Life from Scratch is “a delicious read, with recipes!” Each chapter of the book…

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Locally Laid book and eggs

Locally Laid – a Plucky Memoir

By Myrna CG Mibus / September 15, 2016

Back in the beginning of August, Content Bookstore had an event with Lucie Amundsen, author of the memoir Locally Laid: How We Built a Plucky, Industry-Changing Egg Farm from Scratch. I was excited to be working at Content that night as I was really curious about the book and wanted to learn more of how Lucie and her husband, Jason, started up an egg farm in…

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Yellow Poppies in a field

A poem a day in April

By Myrna CG Mibus / April 28, 2016

A friend of mine, poet and writer Leslie Schultz, has been posting a new poem to her Winona Media blog every day this month. I’ve been reading many of the poems but didn’t know exactly why Leslie was writing a poem each day. I simply figured she came up with a clever 30 days of…

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Tree with Acorns

Thanks for the Reminder, Lab Girl

By Myrna CG Mibus / April 21, 2016

Part of the fun of working in a bookstore is that we get advance copies of books to read. Another great thing is that we have author events. I feel like I hit the jackpot because the author of one of the advance copies I am reading, a memoir titled Lab Girl, is coming to…

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Three books to read

Books for Spring Break

By Myrna CG Mibus / March 22, 2016

My daughter, Rose, and I are heading to Chicago early tomorrow morning for a mother/daughter mini-break. We’re going to visit a couple of colleges, see some sights, shop a bit and enjoy some good food. Also on the agenda is plenty of writing and reading time – hopefully accompanied by a good coffee or cup of…

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Goodnight Mr. Darcy book

Goodnight Mr. Darcy

By Myrna CG Mibus / March 15, 2016

Today I picked up a cute little book I special ordered from Content Bookstore where I work part-time. The book, Goodnight Mr. Darcy, is a retelling of Pride and Prejudice in the fashion of the beloved children’s classic Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown. I honestly don’t remember how I found out that Goodnight Mr. Darcy existed, I must have seen it…

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A stack of four books

Books for Christmas

By Myrna CG Mibus / December 26, 2015

Books are a mainstay present in our family at Christmastime. This year, likely because I work at Content Bookstore so my shopping for books for gifts was super easy, we ended up with more books for Christmas than other years. I was delighted to receive four new novels from Owen and the kids, all of which were on…

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Books I love from 2015

Favorite Reads of 2015 – all set in England

By Myrna CG Mibus / December 18, 2015

A writing group I belong to, Write on Mamas, is compiling a list our favorite books from 2015. I just sent in my list and realized the three titles I sent in all have something in common – they are all set in England. I don’t believe I’m making a special effort to pick British books to read…

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Guinea Pig Pride and Prejudice

Books and more books!

By Myrna CG Mibus / October 30, 2015

I love books so I’m super excited to say I have a new part-time job working in a local independent bookstore – Content Bookstore in Northfield, Minnesota. Content opened about a year ago when a friend of mine, Jessica, purchased the bookstore known as Monkey See, Monkey Read, moved the inventory into a bigger space in downtown…

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Four turquoise blue macarons

M is for Macarons

By Myrna CG Mibus / June 18, 2015

I’m a fan of the wonderful little French cookies known as Macarons. Not to be confused with cocoanut “macaroon” cookies, French macarons are a delicate treat comprised of two meringue-based shells sandwiched together with a tasty filling. I first tried a macaron (pronounced as though you are saying “macaroni” without the “i” at the end of the word)…

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Myrna blog

Myrna CG Mibus


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