A is for Anniversary

Owen and Myrna sitting at a restaurant table

Today is my wedding anniversary so it only seems fitting to pick “anniversary” for day “A” of my Blogging from A to Z challenge.

My husband, Owen, and I met at Flying Cloud Airport (FCM) where I was working at the time. Owen called in for aviation fuel, I answered the radio, we started dating and were married less than a year later. Well, the story isn’t quite that simple but, yes, we met through our mutual interest in general aviation, aerobatic flying to be specific. I worked at a fixed-base operator (a place where people rent airplanes, buy aviation fuel and take flying lessons) and Owen was a customer. All of our first dates were aviation related – one involved working on an aerobatic club newsletter together, another was attending AirVenture, the great aviation fly-in in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Perhaps our most significant early date was flying a Super Decathlon out to Sky Harbor Airpark (where we live now) to visit mutual friends. We found out later that our friend said to her husband, “they will be married within the year.” And, guess what? We were!

We had a fast courtship – I think we technically started dating in July of 1993 and got engaged in December. We picked May 1st, as our wedding date and, somehow, managed to plan a wedding in less than six months. May 1st is May Day, a day that signifying spring, so the date felt like a good one for a wedding to both of us. That said, since Owen and I are both pilots and “mayday” is the universal code for distress in pilot-speak, we also felt choosing May Day as our wedding day was kind of a funny little joke that only the pilots at the audience would understand. Turns out, our marriage has been mostly wonderful like spring but, like most marriages, I’m sure, has been punctuated with some times of distress. I’m happy to say we’ve made it through all of our “mayday” emergencies (and have never had one when we’ve actually been in an airplane) and have managed to keep our relationship flying through these twenty-two years.

Here’s to many more happy years, Owen! Happy Anniversary!

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  1. Gloria Anne on May 1, 2015 at 4:38 pm

    Happy Anniversary!

  2. Janine on May 2, 2015 at 12:09 am

    You’re doing it, Myrna! Yay! If you do A-Z May, I’ll do it for June. LOVE the wedding photo and the inside mayday joke. Happy Anniversary! Hope you did something special tonight!

    • myrnacgmibus on May 5, 2015 at 10:41 pm

      Thanks! I have been in a play so we had to wait until last night (May 4th) to get out for a celebratory dinner. It was worth the wait – great food, and wonderful company, too!

  3. Lorrie on May 4, 2015 at 6:15 pm

    I love what you say about the inside joke of mayday–and the clearsightedness that both aviation and marriage depend on the knowledge that distress happens so best to know how to handle it. Well done!

    • myrnacgmibus on May 5, 2015 at 10:44 pm

      Thanks. Maybe on my D Day I could write about Distress 😉

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